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For more links and most recent work, please check out this Google Scholar link:



Charapata P, Clark CT, Miller N, Kienle SS, Costa DP, Goebel ME, Gunn H, Sperou ES, Kanatous SB, Crocker DE, Borras-Chavez R, Trumble SJ.(2023). Whiskers provide time-series of toxic and essential trace elements, Se: Hg molar ratios, and stable isotope values of an apex Antarctic predator, the leopard seal. Science of The Total Environment, 854, 158651.

Kirkpatrick, A. W., Crocker, D. E., Kanatous, S. B., Smith, K. J., Kienle, S. S., & Trumble, S. J. (2022). Age group differences in blubber fatty acid profiles in northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris). Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 942711.


Kienle, S. S., Goebel, M. E., LaBrecque, E., Borras-Chavez, R., Trumble, S. J., Kanatous, S. B., ... & Costa, D. P. (2022). Plasticity in the morphometrics and movements of an Antarctic apex predator, the leopard seal. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 976019.


García-Castañeda,O, R. Gaxiola-Robles, S.Kanatous, and T. Zenteno-Savin. 2017 Circulating glutathione concentrations in marine, semiaquatic, and terrestrial mammals. Marine Mammal Science 33(3): 738–747


Somo DA, Ensminger DC, Sharick JT, Kanatous SB, Crocker DE.  Development of Dive Capacity in Northern Elephant Seals (Mirounga angustirostris): Reduced Body Reserves at Weaning Are Associated with Elevated Body Oxygen Stores during the Postweaning Fast.  Physiol Biochem Zool. 2015 Sep-Oct;88(5):471-82. doi: 10.1086/682386.


Teresa M. Garcia, Todd L. Green, Michael A. De Miranda, Jr., Linnea E. Pearson, Lauren M. Cuevas, Ashley M. Larson, and Shane B. Kanatous.  Consideration of Diet Was Necessary for the Successful Isolation and Culture of Weddell Seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) Myoblasts. Aquatic Mammals 2014, 40(4), 412-422, DOI 10.1578/AM.40.4.2014.412


A.E. Schlater, M.A. De Miranda Jr., M.A. Frye, S.J. Trumble, and S.B. Kanatous.  Changing Myoglobin’s Paradigm: A Novel Link Between Lipids and Myoglobin. J Appl Physiol(1985). 2014 Aug 1;117(3):307-15. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00973.2013. Epub 2014 Jun 12.


Chicco AJ, Le CH, Schlater AE, Nguyen AD, Kaye SD, Beals JW, Scalzo RL, Bell C, Gnaiger E, Costa DP, Crocker DE, Kanatous SB.  High fatty acid oxidation capacity and phosphorylation control despite elevated leak and reduced respiratory capacity in northern elephant seal muscle mitochondria.  J Exp Biol. 2014 Aug 15;217(Pt 16):2947-55. doi: 10.1242/jeb.105916


Colby Moore, Daniel E. Crocker, Andreas Fahlman, Michael Moore, Darryn S. Willoughby,

Kathleen Robbins, Shane B. Kanatous and Stephen J. Trumble.   Ontogenetic changes in skeletal muscle fiber type, fiber diameter and myoglobin concentration in the Northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris). 2014 Front Physiol.  Doi: 10.3389/fphys.2014.00217


S.J. Trumble, E. Robinson, S. Usenko, S.Noren, J. Davis and SB Kanatous.  Assessment of legacy and emerging persistent organic pollutants in weddell seals(leptonychotes weddellii) near Mcmurdo sound, Antarctica. Sci Total Environ. 2012 Nov 15; 439:275-83


Trumble, SJ. And S.B. Kanatous.  Fatty Acid use in Diving Mammals: More than Merely Fuel.

Frontiers in Physiology. 2012;3:184. Front Physiol. 2012 Jun 13; 3:184.


De Miranda MA Jr, Schlater AE, Green TL, Kanatous SB.  In the face of hypoxia: myoglobin increases in response to hypoxic conditions and lipid supplementation in cultured Weddell seal skeletal muscle cells.  J Exp Biol. 2012 Mar 1;215(Pt 5):806-13


Kanatous SB and PP Mammen.  Myoglobin’s old and new clothes: Review: Transcriptional regulation of myoglobin. J Exp Biol 2010 July: 213: 2741-2747

Ptitsyn A., AE. Schlater and SB. Kanatous. Transformation of metabolism with age and lifestyle in Antarctic seals: a case study of systems biology approach to cross-species microarray experiment. BMC Syst Biol. 2010 Sep 29;4:133

Trumble SJ, Noren SR, Cornick LA, Hawke TJ, Kanatous SB.  Age-related differences in skeletal muscle lipid profiles of Weddell seals: clues to developmental changes.  J Exp Biol


Mostman-Liwanag,HE, TM. Williams, DP. Costa, SB. Kanatous, RW. Davis, and IL. Boyd.The effects of water temperature on the energetic costs of juvenile and adult California sea lions (Zalophus californianus): The importance of recycling endogenous heat during activity.  J Exp Biol


Ptitsyn A., and SB. Kanatous. Transformation of metabolism with age and lifestyle in Antarctic seals: a case study of systems biology approach to cross-species microarray experiment.  Nature Precedings : hdl:10101/npre.2009.3380.1 : Posted 28 Jun 2009


Kanatous SB, LE Pearson and AE Cable. How do you build a marine carnivore?  The potential of microarray and proteomic techniques to identify the molecular regulation of the ontogeny of skeletal muscle adaptations in Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii). 4th CPB Meeting in Africa: Mara 2008. “Molecules to migration: The pressures of life” (Ed S. Morris & A. Vosloo). Medimond Publishing Co, via Maserati June 2008, pages 395-407, 40124 Bologna, Italy.


*Kanatous SB, Mammen PP, Rosenberg PB, Martin CM, White MD, Dimaio JM, Huang G, Muallem S, Garry DJ.  Hypoxia reprograms calcium signaling and regulates myoglobin expression.  Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2008 Mar. 296(3):C393-402

*Article highlighted in an editorial focus in American Journal of Physiology, Cell, Wittenberg BA.  Both hypoxia and work are required to enhance expression of myoglobin in skeletal muscle. Focus on "Hypoxia reprograms calcium signaling and regulates myoglobin expression".  Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2009 Mar; 296(3):C390-2. 

Noren SR, Pearson LE, Davis J, Trumble SJ, Kanatous SB.  Different thermoregulatory strategies in nearly weaned pup, yearling, and adult Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddelli).   Physiol Biochem Zool. 2008 Nov-Dec;81(6):868-79.

Kanatous SB, Hawke TJ, Trumble SJ, Pearson LE, Watson RR, Garry DJ, Williams TM, Davis     RW.  The ontogeny of aerobic and diving capacity in the skeletal muscles of Weddell seals.  J  Exp Biol. 2008 Aug;211(Pt 16):2559-65.


Hawke TJAtkinson DJKanatous SBvan der Ven PFGoetsch SCGarry DJ.  Xin, an actin binding protein, is expressed within muscle satellite cells and newly regenerated skeletal muscle fibres.  Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2007 


Watson RR, Kanatous SB, Cowan DF, Wen JW, Han VC, Davis RW.  Volume density and distribution of mitochondria in harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) skeletal muscle.  J Comp Physiol [B]. Aug 22; Jan; 177(1):89-98, 2007.

Kanatous, S.B. and D.J. Garry.  Gene deletional strategies reveal novel physiological roles for myoglobin in striated muscle.  Resp. Physiology and Neuro. Apr 28;151(2-3):151-8, 2006.


Mammen PP, Shelton JM, Ye Q, Kanatous SB, McGrath AJ, Richardson JA, Garry DJ.  Cytoglobin Is a Stress-responsive Hemoprotein That Is Expressed in the Developing and Adult Brain.  J Histochem Cytochem. Dec; 54(12):1349-61, 2006.


Hawke, T.J., C.H. Humphries, S.B. Kanatous, and D.J. Garry.  The expression of a ras-related protein, Rrad, is altered in myogenic progenitor cells in response to muscle injury. Am. J. of Physiology Cell.  Feb; 290(2):C379-87, 2006.   


Davis, R.W, Polasek, L., Watson, R., Fuson, A., Williams, T.M., Kanatous, S.B.  The diving paradox: New insights into the role of the dive response in air-breathing vertebrates. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 138: 263-268, 2004.


Fuson AL, Cowan DF, Kanatous SB, Polasek LK, Davis RW.  Adaptations to diving hypoxia in the heart, kidneys and splanchnic organs of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) .J Exp Biol. Nov 15; 206(Pt 22):4139-4154, 2003.


Mammen P.A., S. B. Kanatous, I. Yuhanna. P. W. Shaul, M. G. Garry, R. S. Balaban and D. J. Garry.  Myoglobin is a Regulator of nitric oxide homeostasis in the heart.  Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 285:H2132-H2141, 2003. 


Garry, D. J., S. B. Kanatous and P. A. Mammen.  Emerging roles for myoglobin in the heart.  Trends in Cardiovascular Med.  Apr; 13(3):111-6, 2003.


Kanatous, S.B., R. Watson, L. Polaski, T.M.  Williams, O. Mathieu-Costello, and R. W. Davis.  Enhanced aerobic capacities in the skeletal muscles of Weddell seals: a key to longer dive durations?  J Exp Biol. Dec; 205 (Pt 23):3601-8, 2002.


Wu, H., S. B. Kanatous, R. Bassel-Duby, F. J. Naya, E. N. Olson and R. S. Williams.  Dose-response relationship between calcineurin activity and fiber type specific gene expression in skeletal muscle.  Science 196:349-352, 2002.  


Wu, H., K. Hutchenson, B. Rothermel, S. B. Kanatous, R. Bassel-Duby, F. J. Naya, E. N. Olson and R. S. Williams.  Activation of MEF2 transcription factors by muscle activity is mediated through a calcineurin-dependent pathway.  EMBO J. 20 (22): 6414-23, 2001.


Kanatous, S.B., Elsner, R. and  O. Mathieu-Costello.  Capillary supply in the skeletal muscles of harbor seals.  J. Appl. Physiol.  90:1919-1926, May, 2001.


Kanatous, S.B., R.W. Davis, L.V. Dimichele and D.F. Cowan.  High aerobic capacities in the skeletal muscles of seals, sea lions and fur seals: An adaptation to diving hypoxia. J. Appl. Physiol. 86(4):1247-1256, 1999.


Davis, R.W. and S. B. Kanatous.  Convective oxygen transport and tissue oxygen consumption in Weddell seals during aerobic dives.  J. Exp Biol. 202(9): 1091-1113, 1999.


Davis, R.W., L. A. Fuiman, T. M. Williams, S. O. Collier, S. B. Kanatous, S. Kohin and M. Horning.  Hunting behavior of a marine mammal beneath the Antarctic fast-ice.  Science, February 12;283:993-996, 1999.


Butler, P.J., Woakes, A.J., Boyd, I.L. and Kanatous, S.   Relationship Between Heart Rate And Oxygen Consumption During Steady State Swimming in California Sea Lions.  J. Exp. Biol. 170, 35-42, 1992.

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